What used to be called "soft skills" are now a "durable skill set" and something no college student should graduate without acquiring. What is a durable skill set? These are the skills or attributes that will help you be successful in any career you pursue. In all reality, these are the skills we should all strive to attain...
According to America Succeeds, some of the most impactful skills include: collaboration, leadership, critical thinking and creativity. This is not all of them, but definitely having these will set you apart from others who cannot demonstrate their mastery of such skills. One I would like to push is having a "growth mindset," or in my words, always seek to learn something.
How do you know if your college or program is preparing you adequately? First, take a look at the course objectives and desired outcomes. If any durable skill is listed, it should be connected to an assessment in the course. These assessments can be referenced in interviews or in some cases, detailed on a resume. Resumes often provide employers with a snapshot of a candidate's training and credentials - tailor yours to the job announcement (more on this in a future post).
Next, prepare a 10 minute presentation about the company you are applying to and how your background fits the needs of the vacancy. This is great practice for selling yourself and also gives you an idea of where any holes are - what skills do you need to improve or even acquire? Use PowerPoint or any other popular presentation method to demonstrate your capabilities - focusing on fit. According to Forbes, 44% of HR professionals hire an applicant with strong durable skills over an applicant with superior hard or technical skills.
Finally, keep track of the work you do in your college courses or your career program. Maintain a tracker of deliverables and the impact. What qualities do they reflect? Highlight these in cover letters or resumes. Most importantly, when requesting a reference, suggest your recommender uses specific examples to demonstrate your skills fit the job you are seeking. A good reference with strong durable skills will help you in this competitive market.